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Randy Goodall
Randy Goodall

A Journey Into The Deaf World Book

In this book, three scholars of Deaf culture offer insights into the deaf community, particularly among deaf people in the United States who use American Sign Language. The book talks about what deaf culture is, how sign language benefits deaf children and hearing people, how deaf people integrate into society, and more.

a journey into the deaf world book

This book was co-written by Harlan Lane, Ben Bahan, and Robert Hoffmeister. One author (Ben Bahan) is deaf, the other two are hearing. One of the authors (Robert Hoffmeister) has deaf parents. This book was published in May 1996. Although some of the content is out of date, this book is considered a classic in the field of Deaf Studies. It is often assigned as required reading in some university programs.

Living with hearing loss or deafness can be a journey. The path to understanding how someone identifies in the Deaf world is determined by the environment they were raised, the challenges they have experienced, the severity of their hearing loss, and the resources and tools they have available. It can also be a matter of going from a coping to thriving mindset, as one learns the benefits of being exposed to American Sign Language and Deaf culture. My story has been one with a lot of steps and experiences.

All of these online and/or print books are available in the library. You can check the RIT Libraries Catalog below to find more books related to Deaf Theatre and Drama. Use keywords like deaf* AND (theater OR theatre OR drama OR play*).

"This book will shake your preconceptions about the deaf, about language and about thought—. Sacks [is] one of the finest and most thoughtful writers of our time."—Los Angeles Times Book Review"Fascinating and richly rewarding—. Sacks is a profoundly wise observer."—The Plain Dealer"One cannot read more than a few pages of Sacks without seeing something in a new way. His breadth of understanding and expression seems limitless."—Kansas City Star"A remarkable book, penetrating, subtle, persuasive—. [It] will likely become a classic."—St. Louis Post-Dispatch

I read this book something like 20 years ago and felt a deep kinship with the author, simply on the basis of connecting with her stories about being deaf. There is a lot of relatable stuff in here, and she's funny.

As you can see from the list above, there are a growing number of books featuring deaf characters that provide an authentic portrayal of deaf culture and experiences. These books can be used to educate non-deaf readers about deafness and help to create awareness of deaf issues. They often offer examples of deaf people overcoming challenges, or show how deafness can be embraced as a part of everyday life. By reading these books, readers gain a deeper understanding of deafness and become more aware of the struggles that deaf people face in society. These stories are not only meaningful for deaf people, but can also help to create a more inclusive and accepting society for everyone.

In addition to providing education about deafness, these books help to normalize deaf characters in the media. This is important because it helps to break down stereotypes and misconceptions that are still common in society. Books featuring deaf characters provide readers with an opportunity to explore deaf identity in a safe space. By reading these books, readers gain insight into deaf culture and develop greater empathy towards deaf people, ultimately creating a more open-minded society.

This book gives the British side of things, focusing on the division between viewing deafness as a medical condition (a deficiency) and viewing it as a cultural condition (which leads to the birth of sign languages). This book asks what a culture is, truly, and shows how cultures grow up around deaf signing communities.

The authors explore the complexity of deaf identities, looking at race, sexual behavior/orientation, disability, and the range of different experiences deaf people have, from being born into a family that signs to not even learning about sign languages until they are (nearly) adults.

This has poetry, essays, short stories, and a play, all by internationally acclaimed deaf writers. These give you a starting point. From there, you need to take a sign language course and start watching videos of deaf poems, stories, and jokes. What a grand world of wonder awaits you!

Using humorous stories with illustrations, this classic collection brings deaf culture to life through personal experiences and practical day-to-day information. Various aspects of the deaf world are illuminated through anecdotes, updated in this edition to include new stories about the foibles of the latest communication technologies, including VRS, videophones, email, and instant messaging. Also provided is classroom material for teachers that can be used as excellent supplemental reading for deaf studies, ASL, or interpreting classes, as well as a springboard for discussions about deaf culture.ExploreSimilar booksBook lists with this bookWhy do people like this book?TopicsDeaf cultureGenresComing soon...Preview Bookshop.orgAmazonSeeing VoicesByOliver Sacks,


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